

Unmatched speed, performance, and style.

ThemeTurbop is a fully-loaded, premium theme that is perfect for Shopify Plus merchants. Offering high-demand functionality, reliable performance, and rich design flexibility, ThemeTurbop is a favorite among industry professionals and experienced merchants.


Let us build a FREE prototype site of the ThemeTurbop for you. See your brand and some of your products live in this brilliant theme.

The template was robust and great to style. Images play an important role for our brand and the included sections in ThemeTurbop helped make featuring them turnkey for us.
— Aaron B.
Excellent theme for it’s out of the box ability to flexibly meet the needs of e-commerce businesses going through growth or change.

— Liam Carmichael
Gorgeous, very well programmed, and has the stuff I really needed without the sticker shock of adding a ton of paid apps to get the functionality I wanted for my store.
— Shopify merchant

Performance First

40% of online shoppers will abandon a site that takes more than 3 seconds to load. With super quick page load times and an enhanced mobile browsing experience, ThemeTurbop is as fast, smooth and seamless as they come.

High Impact Visuals

Homepage galleries, full-width image sections with multiple action buttons, text and colour settings, and product row sliders are just a few of ThemeTurbop features that allow your products to shine.


An Industry Favorite

Thanks to its speed, polish, and customisability, ThemeTurbop has made a name for itself in the Shopify ecosystem as the theme of choice for many experts and agencies.


Theme Features

  • Smart page preloading for ultra-fast navigation. ThemeTurbop will attempt to predict the next page a user will visit in order to start loading that page in the background. This way, if and when the user clicks the link, the page will already be partially or completely loaded.

  • Two-speed settings. Choose between two performance settings: Ludicrous and Sport. Each mode is designed to keep your site running as quickly, but also as smoothly, as possible.

  • Mega-menu with multi-column submenus. Keep your collection organized by creating up to five advanced mega menu layouts, each with up to five columns of configurable content.

  • Add CSS customizations. Tweak section designs directly within the Theme Editor to customize your site further.

  • Upgraded product layouts. Include the use of tabs, add unique sections, embed videos and move either part or your whole product description under the product image/below the fold.

  • Predictive search. Enable a Predictive Search option, which allows search inquires to auto-complete and display as a customer types them in.

  • Built-in newsletter popup. The handy Popup feature can be used to encourage your shop’s visitors to subscribe to your newsletter, let visitors learn about new products, campaigns or promote sales and discounts

Shops using this theme include

  • Modcat

  • K-Swiss

  • Encirlced

Peak + Valley
  • Peak + Valley